February Heart Health Month
Botanicals have been used for centuries medicinally, and the western world has begun to rediscover them and their potential uses. Information is compiled from several tea & herbal books to give you alternatives to speak with your health practitioner if you wish to explore those options. Personally I enjoy mixing the botanicals with regular teas (such as Rooibos & Honeybush, any green or black tea will work as well) to create a well rounded flavor. You will also find severla ingredients listed as being found beneficial for some people.

Anemia - Dandelion, Hawthorn, Oat Straw, Pau d'Arco.
Arteries - Hawthorn, Lemon, White Oak.
Blood Building - Astragalus, Dong Quai, Hawthorn, Nettle, Pau d'Arco, Rose HIps.
Blood Circulation & Pressure (for lowering) - Alfalfa, Angelica, Cinnamon, Ginger, Hibiscus, Red Clover, Black Tea, Chocolate Tea, Puerh Tea, Althea Root, Lemon, Rose Hips.
Blood Cleanser - Burdock, Plantain, Sarsaparilla, Yarrow.
Blood Clots - Butcher's Broom, Dong Quai, Ginger.
Blood Pressure - Ginger, Ginseng, Green Tea, Hawthorn, Yarrow.
Blood Sugar - Burdock, Ginseng,Green Tea, Marshmallow root, Sage.
Blood Vessels - Feverfew, Sage.
Cholesterol (High LDL) - Basil, Black Tea, Blackberry leaf, Ginger, Twig Green Tea, Honey Bush, White Tea.
Cholesterol Regulation - Ginger, Ginseng, Green Tea.
Diabetes - Black Tea, Bilberry, Burdock, Green Tea, Juniper, Rooibos.
Diabetes NON Insulin-dependent - Bilberry, Fenugreek, Marshmallow root.
Heart Arrhythmia - Hawthorn, Rosemary.
Heart Health - Astragalus, Calendula, Dong Quai, Ginger, Gingko, Hawthorn, Mugwort.
Heart trouble - Calendula, Ceylon Glack Tea, Gingko, Hawthorn, Hibiscus, Kelp, Rooibos, Skullcap.
Heart Palpitations - Ginseng, Hawthorn, Linden Blossoms, Mugwort, Peppermint.
Heart Rate - Hawthorn.
Hypertension - Hawthorn, Siberian Ginseng, Sumac (not American).
Arteries - Hawthorn, Lemon, White Oak.
Blood Building - Astragalus, Dong Quai, Hawthorn, Nettle, Pau d'Arco, Rose HIps.
Blood Circulation & Pressure (for lowering) - Alfalfa, Angelica, Cinnamon, Ginger, Hibiscus, Red Clover, Black Tea, Chocolate Tea, Puerh Tea, Althea Root, Lemon, Rose Hips.
Blood Cleanser - Burdock, Plantain, Sarsaparilla, Yarrow.
Blood Clots - Butcher's Broom, Dong Quai, Ginger.
Blood Pressure - Ginger, Ginseng, Green Tea, Hawthorn, Yarrow.
Blood Sugar - Burdock, Ginseng,Green Tea, Marshmallow root, Sage.
Blood Vessels - Feverfew, Sage.
Cholesterol (High LDL) - Basil, Black Tea, Blackberry leaf, Ginger, Twig Green Tea, Honey Bush, White Tea.
Cholesterol Regulation - Ginger, Ginseng, Green Tea.
Diabetes - Black Tea, Bilberry, Burdock, Green Tea, Juniper, Rooibos.
Diabetes NON Insulin-dependent - Bilberry, Fenugreek, Marshmallow root.
Heart Arrhythmia - Hawthorn, Rosemary.
Heart Health - Astragalus, Calendula, Dong Quai, Ginger, Gingko, Hawthorn, Mugwort.
Heart trouble - Calendula, Ceylon Glack Tea, Gingko, Hawthorn, Hibiscus, Kelp, Rooibos, Skullcap.
Heart Palpitations - Ginseng, Hawthorn, Linden Blossoms, Mugwort, Peppermint.
Heart Rate - Hawthorn.
Hypertension - Hawthorn, Siberian Ginseng, Sumac (not American).
Last Cautionary note: These are in no way suggested to help in emergency situations, technology & science have many benefits. You must consult with your practitioner because herbals can interact with medications you are prescribed. You are responsible for what you choose to do with all botanical herbs upon purchase.